Lodge Your Tax Return Online, Australia-Wide and Year-Round
Online Tax Sydney is the easiest way to lodge your tax return online.
Register with our website for our online service, and our tax consultants will lodge your tax return on your behalf.

Income Tax Returns
Let our tax experts complete your tax return, all you need to do is provide us with your tax information. We are available year-long to help you with your tax affairs.
If you miss the tax deadline, we’ll help you to lodge your late tax returns no matter how late they are.
If you are a property investor then we can advice you on how to maximise your tax advantage or how to minimise capital gains if you are planning to sell.
Recommend a friend to onlinetax.sydney and you receive $30 deposited in your bank account.

Work-Related Expenses
Claim deductions for work-related expenses including travel, clothing, laundry, home office, self-education, tools and equipment.

Travel and Vehicle Expenses
Claim a tax deduction for using your vehicle for the employer’s benefit.
Travel expenses for work can include flights, accommodation, food and taxis.

Clothing and Laundry Expenses
Claim a tax deduction for the purchase, cleaning/laundry of work specific clothing.

Home Office Expenses
For those working from home, claim deductions on phone, internet and other home office expenses.
Small Business
Rely on our accountants to prepare your tax returns and business schedules for all entities including sole trader , partnerships and companies.
Financial Statements , tax returns and business activity statements are prepared for your business to allow you more time to manage your business.
We are available year-long to help you with your tax affairs.
If you have tax issues or tax debt problems we offer a free assessment of your situation and give you a fixed fee quote upfront before getting started.
Business Activity Statement Services
Are you in business and have GST registration. We can prepare your business activity statements from your bookkeeping software reports or directly from your source documents.
We’ll lodge your BAS and if you are unable to pay by the due date make a payment arrangement for you.
If you have BAS reports that are past the lodgement cut-off date we’ll lodge them and then attempt to cancel any penalties that may have been applied saving you thousands of dollars.

Expertise to solve your tax problem
Our accountants can solve your tax issues no matter how complicated, if you are falling further into tax debts let us arrange a plan to get you out of trouble.
HELP with tax debts, penalty and interest, payment arrangements
EXPERTISE, simple notices to complex tax matters, we can help you.
AVAILABILITY, our tax experts are available year round to help.
LATE LODGEMENTS, too busy and haven’t lodged tax or BAS reports put us on the case and you’ll be up
to date quickly.